Since accepting the Lord Jesus’ gospel, I often heard the pastor expound this verse to us: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). The Lord Jesus was nailed to the cross, shed all His blood, and redeemed all mankind, so we can get a chance to come before God, be qualified to pray to Him, and enjoy the abundant grace and blessings He bestows on us. Every time thinking of the Lord’s selfless love for us, I would be greatly moved, feeling that the Lord endured so much humiliation and pain for saving us, and that He loves us so much. Besides being moved, I also had some confusion in my mind: Since God is almighty, there is nothing difficult for Him to accomplish. And He can change the heaven and earth tremendously with one word. Thus, He can save mankind from the influence of Satan with only one word. But why did He redeem mankind by the crucifixion? I felt very puzzled about it and also asked many brothers and sisters, and even the pastors and elders to resolve it, but none of them could give me an answer.